Proper ISSB test which is taken in any of four centers Kohat,
Gujranwala, Karachi and Quetta.
The following steps are...
Arrival Day
Go to main hall where
• You are allotted the batch numbers.
• You fill in a form of personal information.
• you submit 40/- rupees
• Your photos are taken.
• Your ISSB forms are collected.
Now you are free and can relax in the rooms which are allotted to you.
You will be asked for the Lunch and Dinner.
Day 1
Screening test, which includes IQ test, some objects are shown on
screen you have to made sentences in a very short time. ...more
Quiz Test, A written test. Concentrate to have some correct answers
instead of have all completed.
Mechanical Aptitude Test, Tests for the aptitude of a candidate
about machines by a booklet.
Personality Test, it’s an interview to check your personality. ...more
Day 2
Group discussion, you all have to talk on a topic given, you can
choose that you'll talk against/far the topic. ...more
Group Planning, a problem will be given to your group and you
have to solve that problem on given model e.g. model of an ocean in
which there is a sinking ship.
Progressive Group task, a physical problem or task will be given
to you and you have to solve it.
Half Group task, now your group will be divided into two and both
halves will be given physical problems to solve.
Day 3
IO (Individual Obstacles), you have to cross physical obstacles
in a given time (not for army medical college) ...more
Interview 1; truth is the key to success. ...more
Command task, You will be selected as commander and you have
to show your abilities.
Final Group task,
Day 4
Re-Interview (if required), only those candidates who have
reasonable chance to success are re-interviewed.
Payment of T.A.D.A., you will be given payment of round about
200/- rupees.
Departure, successful students will be told their results and now you
can go back and you will receive call letter for final medical tests.
Day One activities

TIP for screening test.

Make sentences with positive mind and positive thinking.
For example
If a picture of an ugly man is shown then do not write that he is a
terrorist and he is my hero (it shows your negative mind ness)
Example of IQ test in ISSB and in initial test as well.
(1) Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison?
LIVED is to DEVIL as 6323 is to:
2336, 6232, 3236, 3326, 6332
(2) Which one of these five is least like the other four?
Mule, Kangaroo, Cow, Deer, Donkey
(3) Which number should come next? 144 121 100 81 64?
17, 19, 36, 49, 50
(4) A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times
As old as he is. When the boy is 12 years old, how old
Will his sister be?
16, 20, 24, 28, 32
(5) HAND is to Glove as HEAD is to
Hair, Hat, Neck, Earring, Hairpin
1) 3236
2) Mule
3) 49
4) 20
5) Hat
TIP for quiz test.
Do test with full concentration and do not afraid of not being complete
the test.
For example
what would be after 2, 4, 6 and 8?
Answer must be 10 as it is a series of even words.

TIP for Mechanical Aptitude test.

Always use your common sense instead of being confused.
TIP for personality test.
Always speak truth to be successful.
For example
if you are asked your three bad hobbits then do not say that you don't
have any because no one is perfect.
Day two activities

TIP for group discussion.

Do not talk too much nor too less; talk moderately but justify your
opinion with solid reasons.

TIP for group planning.

Try to understand the problem on model and give your opinion after a
reasonable thinking.
TIP for Progressive Group Task.
You have to show your abilities of command and being commanded.
For example
you have to cross a canal with your group by making a bridge of sticks
of smaller length than width of canal.
TIP for Progressive Group Task.
Now your group will be divided into two and each will be given a
separate task to complete.
For example
you have to cross a canal with your group by making a bridge of sticks
of smaller length than width of canal.
Day Three activities
TIP for individual obstacles.
Try to cross them as hurry as possible and do not afraid of any obstacle
even if you are asked to jump from 50m high place into water.
TIP for interview.
Never tell a lie.
Never try to be over smart.

TIP for Command Task.

You will be selected as commander and you have to show your abilities.
So be nice with your fellows but also be a commander. Don’t try to
become over claver or over confident.
Day Four activities
Command Task:
After getting the briefing from the GTO, he would give you some
seconds to think of a plan as how you would get the people across.
After that time you have to call your group. Once they arrive you have to
give them briefing as given to you by the GTO. Usually in Command
tasks the main objective is to transport the material and the group
across a certain piece of land which has some ditches, some ( pi )
shaped wooden stands on which you have to put the plank and cross
that particular piece of land.
After giving the briefing to the group you have to ask them if they have
any questions. If they say NO, then you should tell them your plan as
how you want to get the things done. If some one gives a valuable
advice then consider it other wise if some one in your group tries to
show efficiency and act as a "smart ass" ignore his points and make the
people concentrate on your plan. You should only change your plan if it
is not working and there is a strong opposition of the group.
In my case the group wanted to option for a path which I didn’t. But
when they all said no we should go for their choice I let them. But they
failed. So I moved forward my self and showed them what I was
planning was actually right, and when I executed my plan my self I
actually did it what others could not do.
When your task is over then try to perform well in other's task, don’t try
to show off efficiency, but actually perform efficiently. GTO will be
monitoring each and everyone. And when others would see that you
give valuable suggestions, and act efficiently they would even rely on
you and that makes a great impression before the GTO.
Some words of Advice and caution:
1. When you are a commander don’t think that you are just to give
orders and others will execute. When your help is needed, you should
work with the group.
2. Avoid using the words "difficult" "impossible" "no" “not" "never" etc.
Instead of saying "doing this would be difficult" you can say "doing this
would be more TIME CONSUMING".
3. Call everyone with their chest number not by their name. It’s a foul to
call them by their name.
4. Use the people in your group wisely. Those who are trouble makers,
keep them behind or away from the critical work. Those who are
physically strong, make them lift loads like drums and planks. Those
who are slim, to climb up the plank. Those who are thin and tall are
good for jumping. In other words you should use your human resource
5. In other's command task when you have a suggestion you should
convey it first to Commander "Sir if we do this it would save a lot of time"
or "it would help us greatly". This would catch the attention of GTO.
6. Always try to remain at the most critical point of the Task from where
u can get the task done.
7. Its not compulsory that the task gets completed in the time allotted,
when the GTO sees that the task would get completed or there is no
way it would get done in time, he usually tells to stop and finishes it to
save time. In my own task just 1st step was done in time and the whole
task was still to be done, but when GTO saw that I can do it, he said
"your time is up". GTO just wants to check your nerves, your ability to
command others, your ability to come up with instant plans to solve
some problem or challenge.
8. When the time is UP, put all the planks drums and other stuff back to
their original place where they were at the start of the task

What is TADA?

It is the payment of your expenditures to reach at the ISSB centre.
On Departure.
Do not stay there.
Medical fitness
after passing ISSB test there is complete medical checkup.
• No physical or mental disability.
• Urine tests.
• Blood tests.
• X - Rays
• And many more.

Call Letter 

You will get call letter in your home and there in never any successful
lists in Army institutes so do not waste your energies in worrying that
you have not got result.
And once you have got call letter then be afraid of God and do not
proud and also know that what is DRUM OUT?
So now get courage because Pakistan Armed Forces Needs You.

ISSB is waiting for you.

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