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General knowledge has been defined in differential psychology as "culturally valued knowledge communicated by a range of non-specialist media" and encompassing a wide subject range.
This definition excludes highly specialized learning that can only be obtained with extensive training and information confined to a single medium. General knowledge is an important component of crystallized intelligence and is strongly associated with general intelligence, and with openness to experience.

General knowledge is information that has propagated across multiple mediums. So, even if you or I don't know a particular thing, it is considered general knowledge ìf enough public mediums have broadcasted or currently are broadcasting it. But it would be very difficult to enumerize the exact level of public saturation required before a topic or subject is considered general knowledge.

General Knowledge refers to all areas of awareness that add to our intellect and shows our interest in the matters of the past, present and future that have a bearing on our life and inspires us to move ahead with an analytically positive mindset. The human tendency to learn and grow led to the theory of evolution, but apart from biological development over centuries, human nature has been curious to learn new things. The past that had its deep impact upon present developments paved the way for the future. Knowledge of such developments and people who contributed to them significantly has come to be known as General Knowledge.


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